When you’re building a social media platform, it’s important to think about what type of messages your tribe will want to hear. Do you want to talk about the great things your group is doing, or are you more interested in hearing about how people are struggling? You can pretty much share anything with your online community. And you can teach in a variety of ways, but the most common way is through posts on social media within a Facebook group.

What are the Benefits of Teaching Your Tribe

The benefits of teaching Tribe Lessons include:

  1. providing members of a tribe with opportunities to learn from one another about their culture and history;
  2. helping to build relationships between tribes and their online communities;
  3. building trust and relationships within a tribe; and
  4. providing members of a tribe with information they may need to stay connected with what you have to offer and who you are as a professional coach

How to Start a Tribe on Facebook

To start a tribe, you’ll need to create a group on Facebook and post a topic that includes information about your tribe (like its name, website, or Facebook page). You then will need to invite your friends, clients and newsletter subscribers who are interested in learning more about the topic in your group. Once participants have joined, you’ll need to post new valuable content regularly so that everyone knows what is happening and has an opportunity to join in on the discussion.

How to Teach your Tribe

First, choose how you want to teach your tribe members lessons. You can either start with a general overview of the topic or focus specifically on one area of expertise. You can also choose to have multiple questions per week, which will give your tribe members plenty of opportunity to learn and share their knowledge with each other.


Tribe Lessons are an amazing way to connect with subscribers and students to teach them valuable hacks and advertise your skills. You can use a group to teach productive, engaging lessons that help your community grow. This will help you bring awareness to your other services and products, without being salesy.